Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back to school

Today was Kegan and Parker's first day back to school!  Kegan's teacher is Ms. Karima who is known or teaching the children Spanish (can't wait to see how much he learns.) Parker's teacher is Mr. Robby.  There is only one male teacher in the school and Parker got him.  Those of you who know Parker, know that she is afraid of everything under the sun (unlike her big bro who is afraid of nothing!)  So when we told her a week ago that Mr. Robby was going to be her teacher, she was not excited.  She would say, "I not want Mr. Robby."  Then Kegan would give her a million reasons why Mr. Robby is the best.  She would eventually say, "I love Mr. Robby!" Then the next day she would go back to, " I not want Mr. Robby."
 Tuesday morning Grams took Kegan and Parker to "Meet the Teacher Day" and Parker wanted absolutely NOTHING to do with Mr. Robby.  So we were worried about how the first day would go.  Kyle and I got lucky and were BOTH able to drop them off the for their first day!  Parker eventually went to Ms. Lisa, who is the assistant in the class, and she was fine (thank God!)  Parker's highlight of the day was playing bubbles outside!  Kegan had a great day and loved everything he did (of course!)

Here are a few pics from the morning!
Grumpy Face, not wanting to take pictures

my favorite one!

walking in

Kegan and Ms. Karima

Parker with Ms. Lisa (waving, not crying!)

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